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British Theatre Challenge Winners 2016

We would like to thank everybody that has entered this year’s playwriting competition – It’s been a pleasure reading all of your scripts over the past few months so please, keep up the awesome writing!
We are delighted to announce that the 10 winning plays have now been selected.

The 10 winners of the British Theatre Challenge 2016 are:

THE Windsor Con by P. McCormick

iDOLLatry by Jacqueline Malcolm

The Likeness by Peter Billingham

Driven by Rob Selzer

Berry Season by Rosemary Frisino Toohey

Blue Love by Daithi de Buitleir

Water Under The Bridge by Trevor Suthers

Mercy Killing by Rikki B. Schwartz

The Gangster Game by Kathryn Bakewell

Fallen Wings by Brenda Foley

Choosing ten plays has been an incredibly difficult task, well done to those writers who were chosen for the shortlist but we also highly commend all writers who entered their plays, it’s no easy feat;

“Being a playwright is like the equivalent of doing a jigsaw puzzle that has 1,500 pieces, and it’s a jigsaw of a blue sky. Not a cloud in sight.” Lewis Black